Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Review - Time4Learning

   by Tracy P.

 Well, a free trial month of Time 4 Learning online homeschool (or after school help) has gone by and we have really liked it. For me it was a lifesaver, as I have been dealing with some health problems.It took much of the stress off of me.
  It was really nice to have the boys "go on their school" each morning. My 6th grade son could do almost everything independently with minimal supervison from me (checking periodically to be sure he was on a certain subject,etc) My third grader needed me to only occasionally sit with him. Most of the subjects had easy directions for him. We liked the animations or games for grammar especially, as this is normally a boring subject with textbooks.
  The only things we felt we needed to add were writing assignments, or history research projects. I also had the boys read a chapter book each day. Time4Learning recommends using the website Spelling City for spelling words. We used words from our AVKO word family books that we own. To practice math facts we used another site called "Timez Attacks" (I didn't notice Time 4 Learning having a practice for facts, but they may very well , and I may not have known about it)
  We're signing up for another month. I recommend it if you are stressed with  moving to a new house, a new baby, or health problems. This review is my own opinion of our experience.
 See the website below for monthly fee, etc.(The Time 4 Writing curriculum looks good too. I may try that next!)

1 comment:

  1. We are also T4L'ers! ~> We have been using this program for about 4 years.I also kinda felt the same about the writing, so we started to add Unit Studies last year and it has helped to feel in that area for us :) Currclick has tons of them incase you might be interested. I hope to see you around the Time4Learning forum, Love talking to other mommas who use this program, nice to have that support :)
