Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Veil of Tears Film

Hello, I want to apologize for not writing more often! I am recovering even now from a bout of pneumonia. I wanted to bring before you a new film from Gospel for Asia. It was just released on March 28th. Veil of Tears is a documentary on women in Asia who have overcome the oppression they have faced simply for being women. It is narrated by Natalie Grant, a well-known Contemporary Christian artist. I haven't seen it yet but I am in the process of obtaining it. Just from watching the trailer I can tell it must be a touching yet challenging movie. Here is the link to the Veil of Tears website if you would like more information: http://veiloftearsmovie.com/ Be sure to watch the trailer!
One of the things I love most about Gospel for Asia is that they empower individuals to a better life. If you look on the website under "Take Action" you will see that you can give certain gifts that will help in the long run, such as: a sewing machine, an education, a goat or animal etc. Instead of making them dependent on outside funds they retain their dignity and can live a better life.

Rescue a Child

As you know, I am very burdened for the children of Asia in particular. I watched this video today from Gospel for Asia. It explains the plight of Dalit children, considered untouchable in the Indian culture. Many are starving, left without hope of a better life. As Christians Jesus called us to have mercy on those who were in need. Their greatest need is Jesus Christ. It is only through Him that we can have hope and live life abundantly. John 10:10b- I come that they may have life and have it abundantly. Gospel for Asia has established the Bridge of Hope program to give the children of Asia a better life. The children learn about God and the gospel is shared. They also receive an education to give them a better future. They are given food and medical care. http://www.gfa.org/sponsorachild/benefits/
Will you pray about sponsoring a child?
God can use you to change a child's life.