Friday, February 11, 2011

O Love Divine

Tonight with some ladies from choir and I watched the autobiography of Fanny Crosby. What an amazing testimony she had! God used her to do amazing things and write so much music!
If you don't really know anything about Fanny Crosby here's a great website that summarizes her life: She went through such difficulties! First she was blinded as an infant, so she went through life without eyesight. Her father died when she was young which brought tougher times for her mother. Then she went on to go to the New York Institute for the Blind where she recieved a great education. She later was married but lost her first and only child, a baby girl. It was amazing that even through very hard times, she still went on to write over 10,000 poems and hymns! It is such an encouragement to me and a conviction to do more!
The video above is one of lesser-known songs O Love Divine. I love the song so much! You have to listen!

O love divine amazing love
That brought to earth from heaven above
The Son of God for us to die
That we might dwell on high

He died for you
He died for me
And shed His blood to make us free
Upon the cross of calvary
The Savior died for me